How To Get A Shadow Pikachu In Pokemon Platinum Help On Beating Cynthia In Pokemon Platinum.?

Help on beating cynthia in pokemon platinum.? - how to get a shadow pikachu in pokemon platinum


Infernape level 63 with
Fire, explosion
Flash Flash

Luxray level 54 with

Giratina level 49 with
Ominous Wind
Dragon Claw
Strength of the shadow

pikachu level 45 WIH
Secret Power
Iron Tail

Rhydon level 43 with
Balsta Rock
take down
Horn Drill
Arm Hammer

Gyrados Level 22 with
Rock Smash


Joshua said...

ok Cynthia has these Pokémon:
Garchomp: Dragon / Ground,
Milotic: Water,
Roselia: Grass / Poison
Fly Togekiss: Normal /
Lucario: Steel / Fight against
Spiritomb: Ghost / Dark

and can see with an electric type too much. Garchomp for u can be a different pokemon that knows dragon attacks to use, but I would say, a Pokémon with moves like ice or Vaporeon Glaceon. They should easily defeat Lucario, Roselia, and Infernape, since both the Fire attacks are too weak. Spiritomb What I propose, with a Pokemon with high attack, a physical movement since Spiritomb has no weaknesses, but I think he has low defense. Do not cite me on that, though.
and Pokemon: Infernape, Vaporeon / Glaceon, Pikachu, type of flight / air movement pokemon, pokemon buffer 1, buffer pokemon 2
I'm sure that will be changed to other devices. Good luck!
My team when it hit me: [Empoleon, Houndoom, Staraptor, Luxray, Garchomp, Snorlax]

Kathy N said...

Gyarados - Ok
Use Gyarados make in battle Garchomp fainted. Then Luxray in battle and then use Ice Fang.

Luxray - Spark, Crunch, Ice Fang, Thunder
Level up to level 60 and then use Ice Fang on Garchomp. Enter snowfall Luxray board before the game against Cynthia.

Infernape Moves - are well
Use Flare Blitz Close Combat or Roserade Lucario.

Pikachu - Thunderbolt, Body Slam, Brick Break, Grass Knot.
Pikachu evolved into Raichu with a Thunderstone. Use Grass Knot on Milotic and Gastrodon.

Rhydon - Mega Horn, Rock Wrecker, Stone Edge, Earthquake
Evolve into a Rhyperior protect you give him a job. Then enter the full zoom.

Giratina moves - you are OK.
Just battle Spiritomb.

Haseeb said...

So I chose almost the same team as him, but different.the and something mooost reeaaallly It is important that you need this medicine, p. i forgot his name again, but it may be that this elixir or like you. will have to fight, when they won their Pokemon, left to the PP movement is essential, and another thing, you must have 60 or 70 hyper potions (take) the 200 hp restore. store, so that in mind and is the winner, and it will be good if it increases its gyarodos at lv.45 or 50

Brutticus Force said...

Its type is Infernape fire 3 shots. This is a worrying trend. You have two kinds of electricity. Garchomp should be able to easily cut.

Start with different types. Since there are no obstacles in the ditch of HM the Elite 4, the HM slave for the fight. Surround yourself with a team of different species.

And then come back here and talk.

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