Myeloma Cancer More Condition_symptoms I Am A Single Mother Of Three And Have Multiple Myeloma Cancer. What Are My Chances Of Remission After Chemo?

I am a single mother of three and have multiple myeloma cancer. What are my chances of remission after chemo? - myeloma cancer more condition_symptoms

I was diagnosed with complete kidney failure is when there 4 months, returned to normal now. I had 4 treatments of chemotherapy in the clinic for 6 consecutive days each time and each of these treatments were all 3 weeks. This treatment is very aggressive chemotherapy. What is the effect on the heart? Is it when changes Thalidamide treatment? At age 45, what are my chances of living another 20 years? Is it just an illusion? The bone marrow could be the opportunity for a long life? Bone weakened by multiple myeloma, I have a hip fracture caused not only pain, but it is difficult to get the habit. I am a Caucasion White, have always been anemic, and had several blood transfusions, because this diagnosis. The more I read about this with multiple myeloma, the more I am discouraged, and then it becomes difficult to sleep or rest well! Can someone help me feel better to save or to give some positive hope?


jewells_... said...


have many possibilities: first, her symptoms under control: The bones, anemia, and kidney. Make sure that you saw a specialist at one or more MM MM Cancer Hospital, MM, is very different from any other cancer, and now there are many changes. Docs mm are also mainly in studies and tests, allowing you to access to new therapies involved (more options).

When problems do not kidny likely an organic phosphate for strong bones, such as systems of iron.

Thal is, but it works better than Thal / Dex valley, but you have many side effects Revelimide is a derivative that can do that better, and then there are Velcade - is a silver bullet.

Made with GM, not by bone marrow transplantation - transplantation of stem cells.

You can also 20 years old, personally know people who are 15 years and helping children of his age.

I know exactly what Giong through, I was diag 43 (3 years) and I could have my share of sleepless nights, you see aconsellor - has helped me a lot.

There are plenty of online help and many support groups.

IMF, long out of reach, and they even have a hotline to answer questions quickly and manage a support group of lines like:


The MMRF is a lot more about the treatment, tests and new drugs: they are --

Good luck, you're not alone

34 months and still there

EL-BRAY said...

Modern medicine has made great strides in recent years.
I have a sister who became seriously ill with cancer and throat surgery is almost completely recovered.Combine prayer and faith as part of treatment. God can and will fulfill all your wishes if you want to put your trust in him. I say a prayer for his speedy recovery .. God bless

EL-BRAY said...

Modern medicine has made great strides in recent years.
I have a sister who became seriously ill with cancer and throat surgery is almost completely recovered.Combine prayer and faith as part of treatment. God can and will fulfill all your wishes if you want to put your trust in him. I say a prayer for his speedy recovery .. God bless

Ryans Mom said...

Hello, just wanted to say that the document be able to prescribe an antidepressant may help. My father had cancer and helped the anti-depressant, cope better. I noticed that you're a single mother. Do you have to trust a close friend or family member? Perhaps things that one of them to connect to (an overview of all main streets of the treatment to keep from day to day and contributing to the steps you will), no doubt, some of stress. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Ryans Mom said...

Hello, just wanted to say that the document be able to prescribe an antidepressant may help. My father had cancer and helped the anti-depressant, cope better. I noticed that you're a single mother. Do you have to trust a close friend or family member? Perhaps things that one of them to connect to (an overview of all main streets of the treatment to keep from day to day and contributing to the steps you will), no doubt, some of stress. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Ryans Mom said...

Hello, just wanted to say that the document be able to prescribe an antidepressant may help. My father had cancer and helped the anti-depressant, cope better. I noticed that you're a single mother. Do you have to trust a close friend or family member? Perhaps things that one of them to connect to (an overview of all main streets of the treatment to keep from day to day and contributing to the steps you will), no doubt, some of stress. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Ryans Mom said...

Hello, just wanted to say that the document be able to prescribe an antidepressant may help. My father had cancer and helped the anti-depressant, cope better. I noticed that you're a single mother. Do you have to trust a close friend or family member? Perhaps things that one of them to connect to (an overview of all main streets of the treatment to keep from day to day and contributing to the steps you will), no doubt, some of stress. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

inkspott... said...

Multiple myeloma is different than other types of cancer. The Mayo Clinic has the best resources for you. The reason I know my father has just died, the Ayloidoisis. This is not cancer, but he behaves like what you have. The difference is, PROTEINS amyloidosis is excessive attack organs and the nervous system and yours is the cancer cells do the same. Try as Amy MM I read a lot about it. Stem cell transplantation with chemotherapy is usually the first option. You have mentioned that Thalidamide to Revlamid is similar, and Papa Decadron. There are numerous case studies on the website of the Mayo Clinic, and I recommend you consult your oncologist / hemotologist too. Good luck.

REnate said...

They have an excellent opportunity to live another 20 or 30 years. Now, the medical care of cancer is so advanced that it should do, but attitude is everything. Keep a positive attitude, confidence in what you believe in God, the closeness to your family and doctors for help.

happydaw... said...

I am an RN cancer and I think the time you enter the treatment and just decides to go home, go into remission and stay there. They have a great opportunity to be here in 20 years, but you have to stay on it.
Do not start chemotherapy until the heart is examined in depth. Ask your doctor. Some Chemos maximum because they are cardiogenic. You will be fine if they remain in the range of doses.
Tylenol is the most effective pain reliever from bone pain. I'm not kidding. Ask your doctor and bone pains taken.
Thalidomide was introduced in a pill pak bubble and must be ordered from the manufacturer and delivered to you. Be sure to bring in a safe place, and when you control of childbearing age giving birth. The MD will decide whether and when started thalidomide.
Good luck!

happydaw... said...

I am an RN cancer and I think the time you enter the treatment and just decides to go home, go into remission and stay there. They have a great opportunity to be here in 20 years, but you have to stay on it.
Do not start chemotherapy until the heart is examined in depth. Ask your doctor. Some Chemos maximum because they are cardiogenic. You will be fine if they remain in the range of doses.
Tylenol is the most effective pain reliever from bone pain. I'm not kidding. Ask your doctor and bone pains taken.
Thalidomide was introduced in a pill pak bubble and must be ordered from the manufacturer and delivered to you. Be sure to bring in a safe place, and when you control of childbearing age giving birth. The MD will decide whether and when started thalidomide.
Good luck!

bittywra... said...

My mother was a survivor of 30 years to breast cancer. My brother had lung cancer 3 ½ years, no plus sign. My sister had lung cancer at the same time, my brother. He had the surgery to remove the left lung without chemotherapy. My sister can not he operates chemotherapy, which was burned into your brain, like some. His mind is good, and there is no cancer there. He received 3 months of life, if found to have them. It was almost 4 years, not what it is. She prays and has faith in God does not know the doctor what they think. Faith in the Lord and believe in the Lord, I believe.

marion r said...

everything is with gods help members of the faith as a mustard seed, or what can be done simply mind uu heart of Jesus like moving a mountain, and I hope and I have this lever or possible

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