No Credit History Loans How Do I Obtain A Credit Card With No Credit History?

How do I obtain a credit card with no credit history? - no credit history loans

I was rejected by several banks, because they have no credit history. I've tried a card from the public savings banks, which are especially for people with bad credit request. I also could not have one because they did not verify my SSN! Has anyone ever experienced?
I left America when I am 7 years, and came 2 years ago, now I'm 22nd Is it because I am out of the country does not have the information?
Please help me! I do not know what to do.


Anonymous said...

They have no history. Each lender, waiting for someone to go first.

Return to your bank and ask them what they ask for a secured card. Put $ 500 in a restricted account and enter a credit card with a limit of $ 500. After 1-2 years you can return the savings account.

Anonymous said...

You can be approved. Call Customer Service Center at 215-344-8145 and explain the situation. If you can demonstrate your social security number, it will happen.

Anonymous said...

Get a credit card and pay on time. You can also use this service to avoid common mistakes in buiding credit and assessment of the results through the various scenarios for the future of payments -

Anonymous said...

Get a credit card and pay on time. You can also use this service to avoid common mistakes in buiding credit and assessment of the results through the various scenarios for the future of payments -

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