Aneurysm Causes More Condition_symptoms What Causes A Brain Aneurysm?

What causes a brain aneurysm? - aneurysm causes more condition_symptoms

My mother died in 2006 (footnote 5), was the 46th What really? Smoking is something to do with it?


Acee said...

Lex Oh I'm sorry! my friend lost his mother and I know it's something that people who do not really understand until it happens ... Many hugs for you ... ur so strong!

High blood pressure or defects in the blood vessels in the brain are known to cause aneurysms. When my mother was diagnosed with high blood pressure, doctors were told to stop smoking ... a child who has suffered a silent heart attack ... thought it was so insignificant that it will also tell us.

I'm glad you asked because there is more smoke. At least I can be prepared for that or other things can happen ... Smoking can kill, is really what I think ...

firerook... said...

Yes, that smoking increases the risk. In addition, aneurysms tend to be hereditary. If your mother died, you and your brothers and sisters should also be monitored.
An aneurysm is a weakness in the wall of blood vessels. Some aneurysms cause of the vascular wall as a weakness in a car tire (bubble) balloon. If a person has a higher blood pressure, so that the aneurysm dangerous. Moreover, if it breaks, after taking the drug, as is Coumadin (anticoagulant), the effect that the aneurism burst much worse because the person will bleed more.
Another type of aneurysm is cut. Here is the circulation of the layers of the vessel wall and not go to the main blood vessels that normally circulate blood between. This greatly restricts the blood flow and the vessel can lead to "leakage" in many areas along the cut line. They are difficult to diagnose and difficult to treat.
The causes of aneurysms are factors such as hypertension, trauma, gene --tics, and many cardiovascular diseases.

Granny said...

No, my dear fellow, no smoking does not cause the cerebral aneurysm.

May aneurysms result from birth defects, pre-existing illnesses such as hypertension and atherosclerosis (fatty deposits in the arteries) or brain injury. Cerebral aneurysms are more common in adults than in children but can occur at any age. They are more common in women than in men in a ratio of 2 against 1


But you should never smoke. It is a bad habit is expensive and unhealthy, it is very difficult to quit smoking!

stephanie n said...

An aneurysm is when the main artery of the brain starts at the back of the head and the ball finally being released. Blood escapes and goes into the artery of the brain and causes death. My cousin of 14 years died last year, and an innate are. This means that the artery was balloon from birth, and last year he was ready to pop. The aneurysm may be offset by stress or pressure. He was a ball, causing his helmet LAX and then the pressure hull in the head. I am sorry for your loss and I hope that this represents a kind of understanding.

x23ster said...

The aneurysm may, by birth defects are caused pre-existing illnesses such as hypertension and atherosclerosis (fatty deposits in the arteries) or brain trauma. Cerebral aneurysms are more common in adults than in children but can occur at any age. They are more common in women than in men in a ratio of 2 against 1

capt_ter... said...

His last Anser was good that I was 7: Strokes wet myself, have the same on a smaller scale leaveing me with one blow, as a variety of symptoms, but as the preasure at least my ability, I shall return with a loss to a some degree. The mine is haveing year from migraines and small vessels in my brain stem it could not stand, and I began to bleed badly rupture.My last 2 years has been flat on my back not to bother myself for almost a year. I was talking to someone else with the same condition.

SuperVib... said...

Hypertension. Malformation of the vessels due to a hereditary disease. Smoking for undoubtedly dangerous. Sometimes it's as simple as a bad diet, lack sufficient vitamin C to repair the blood vessels.

pamich said...

Yes, dear ... Classifieds birth once told about smoking and the formation of blood clots. Use of fish oil and flax seed here and eat lots of garlic and garlic allicin here to the label, which helps the blood from Nice to say .... Search k? And Im sorry 2 hear bout your mom ...

pamich said...

Yes, dear ... Classifieds birth once told about smoking and the formation of blood clots. Use of fish oil and flax seed here and eat lots of garlic and garlic allicin here to the label, which helps the blood from Nice to say .... Search k? And Im sorry 2 hear bout your mom ...

Farva said...

The weakness in the wall of a cerebral artery or vein causes a localized dilation or swelling of blood vessels.

Farva said...

The weakness in the wall of a cerebral artery or vein causes a localized dilation or swelling of blood vessels.

BadSanta said...

Viewing several episodes of the Maury is known that not only the aneurysm, but lead to heart attacks and natural disasters ..

Sunni23 said...

In my family, which are genetically determined. The parents of my mother died, of them ... 6 weeks. I have a CT scan when she was younger, and headaches.

emouse19... said...

Yes, you can increase the risk of smoking a weakening of the arteries and blood pressure. In addition, due to the fact that sometimes a family she brought train at a higher risk, you must make sure that your surgeon is his mother's condition and medical documents known for their history. One days in May to save their lives.

More information below:


Most brain aneurysms develop due to the arteries, which comes with age wear. Aneurysms often form at forks or branches in arteries because those parts of the vessel are weaker. In rare cases, can weaken a blow to the head or an infection in an artery, an arterial wall, making an aneurysm.


To prevent the development of the brain aneurysm or to reduce the risk of fracture:
- Do not smoke or stimulants. Both can cause a sudden rise in blood pressure and arterial damage.
- Limiting your intake of caffeine. Caffeine is a stimulant that can lead a Souththe blood pressure increase.
- Avoid stress. Sudden exertion, must devote strong and sustained rate than they are, if you can lift heavy loads cause a sudden rise in blood pressure.
- Be careful with aspirin. If you have an aneurysm, talk to inhibit your doctor before taking aspirin or other medicines that can decrease clotting, that increase blood loss in bleeding risk.


Risk factors:
Brain aneurysms sometimes in the family. The risk increases significantly when had two or more immediate family members of a brain aneurysm. These families also tend to aneurysms in a small break and a younger age than other types of cerebral aneurysms. Siblings often experience rupture of the same decade of life.

Other risk factors are May:

Hypertension. 160/95 blood pressure in some studies has been linked to the formation and rupture of a cerebral aneurysm. But it seems that the rapid, short-term increase in blood pressure - as thOSE experience when straining to lift a heavy load - may be more a relationship of chronic hypertension.

Smoking. Cigarettes: the more one smokes, the greater the risk of rupture of a cerebral aneurysm. Smokers with high blood pressure are 15 times more likely to a ruptured brain aneurysm than those who suffer from smoking, not increase blood pressure. Smokers are also more likely to develop non ruptured aneurysms and multiple aneurysms.
In addition, various medical conditions with the development of cerebral aneurysms, including associated:

Polycystic kidney disease in the kidneys and other organs develop multiple cysts sometimes
Arterio-venous malformation, a condition in which there is an abnormal connection between arteries and veins in the brain

A narrowing of the aorta at birth (coarctation)
Connective tissue disorders such as Ehlers-Danlos and elastic pseudoxanthoma

tiddlebi... said...

Aneurysms in the brain considered as acquired problems. They are not present at birth. Rather, they develop throughout their lives.

Other data show that genetic factors make certain people more likely to develop cerebral aneurysm. The exact cause of transmission is unclear.

* According to several studies, up to 20% of people with bleeding of an aneurysm have a first or second degree of cerebral aneurysm.

* The parents have an increased risk of bleeding in the brain.

* In most families with a brain aneurysm, the condition affects only 2-3 members of the extended family, and the method of heritage is not obvious.

The conditions attached - a number of conditions are associated with cerebral aneurysms, as follows:

* Polycystic kidney disease - a genetic disorder characterized by the growth of cysts in the kidney

* Ehlers-Danlos syndrome - A group of hereditary disorders of connective tissue caused by extreme flexibility of joints, skin, and can be easily distributed EASISpirit of the damaged tissue

* Marfan syndrome - an inherited disorder of connective tissue, glue and scaffolding of the body, resulting in tissue with less force and can break more easily

* Neurofibromatosis - A group of 8 genetic disorders of the nervous system, especially the development and growth of nerve tissue cells (These disorders cause tumors to grow on nerves and produce other abnormalities such as changes in skin and bone deformities.)

Environmental factors: significant evidence that environmental factors make certain people more likely to develop cerebral aneurysm.

* Cerebral aneurysms are rare in children.

* The likelihood of an aneurysm increases throughout life.

* Snuff

The cigarette is the only element that has clearly shown to increase the risk of aneurysm rupture.

o Eat a ruptured cerebral aneurysm is about 10 times more likely in a smoker than a non-smoker.

Or cigarettes, the more one smokes, the greater the risk.

* Hypertension

O Several studies have shown an increased risk for the development and rupture of cerebral aneurysms in patients with hypertension.

o Most experts believe that hypertension is a risk factor, but not to the extent that smoking is a risk.

* High cholesterol

o The effect of hypercholesterolemia is unclear.

Three studies have high cholesterol or have investigated a risk factor for aneurysm rupture. Two studies showed no association and one study showed a relationship.

* Alcohol

o A moderate to heavy alcohol consumption is considered a risk for a ruptured cerebral aneurysm.

or it is unclear whether alcohol consumption increases the risk of developing an aneurysm.

or intoxication seems to increase significantly the risk of a subarachnoid hemorrhage from ruptured aneurysm.

Rachael S said...

See has ninjas!

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