Duo Maternity Clothes Plus Size Maternity Clothes... Recommendations For Manufacturers?

Plus size maternity clothes... Recommendations for manufacturers? - duo maternity clothes

I am looking for some stores or sites that sell maternity wear and size. I bought maternity fashion maternity, and I am disappointed with the quality. I am also aware of Lane Bryant mothers and Duo at JC Penny's. All you know that? Thank you!


Lisa C said...

I always had luck with Sears. I know you think ... "No Way". Seriously, I had a lot of things from there the two pregnancies. He was fortunate in Burlington. Especially in a city, a very good condition. It has some of my favorite shirts and a pair of maternity jeans from H & M killer in New York. I do not know if it is the things online or not, but it is worthwhile to (BTW, I totally agree about motherhood! Praise be to him, but I never really liked!)

PS I have ........ I know, a very useful site that has a large selection of bras for size! www.mothersmilkboutique.com
They have the best customer service! (I have a dozen weapons, you can try. He argued skillfully that it is working and the rest. Indicted later). The staff is very competent and I can also say that the best thing that you need.

Brass Monkey said...

I am * idea with the Old Navy / Gap, but I'm a size 16-18, and I noticed that many of their sweaters and T shirts are not long enough to cover my belly and I'm only 23 weeks. However, their regular shirts XXL belly - go figure. I tend to shirts, a little tight and swollen in the chest and abdomen, and seems to hold better. In addition, light cotton shirts tend to pill after a few bad times to use. It's really hard to find equipment of good quality = /

♥ Mommy of 3 said...

I think Old Navy and Gap Maternity are cute, but they are in a size that fits into my pregnancy. Lane Bryant is in the vicinity of the best quality you can find, especially if they are only the size limit. Good luck, has a battle suit, I had the 9 months ... my baby is tonight and I intend to induce, all I can on e-bay bottom to make a killing in maternity fashion and size, because it is so difficult to say there. Good luck!

Lala said...

try lady of grace

Amanda said...

Old Navy has some very nice clothes.

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