Mixed Recycling Can Used Engine Oil And Used Manual Transmission Fluid Be Mixed For Recycling?

Can Used Engine Oil and Used Manual Transmission Fluid Be Mixed for Recycling? - mixed recycling

I need to drain and replace the gear oil in my car, the manual, and I wonder if I can drain the pan I use to do an oil and let the two mix oils.


booklovr... said...

Yes you can, you can also waste oil in Jiffy Lube center for disposal. Even if you do not allow the animals should be good.

jasonspr... said...

If oil oil. Engine oil, transmission fluid, oil, transmission, etc. are all free of oil and mix to.

Most oils are not truly "recycled", but burnt asphalt plant or as fuel in special radiators.

jasonspr... said...

If oil oil. Engine oil, transmission fluid, oil, transmission, etc. are all free of oil and mix to.

Most oils are not truly "recycled", but burnt asphalt plant or as fuel in special radiators.

Josh said...

They are not separate, identify the minimum requirements, in which you take. I know when I mean I do not want to be mixed use, too.

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