On Arrival Of Baby Will A Dog Adjust To The Arrival Of A Baby Better If It Has Another Doggy Companion?

Will a dog adjust to the arrival of a baby better if it has another doggy companion? - on arrival of baby

Vizsla We have two years, and I would have another dog a little older she will not be alone during the day. We wondered if the partner can help you cope with the arrival of a baby (not pregnant, right now, but they are trying) to get pregnant quickly. Has anyone seen any research on this or experienced first hand?


Anonymous said...

One of my friends who also has a young Lady three bulls Pitt. I'm sure you know that these dogs have gotten a bad reputation, but not always the case. His Pitts are protective of their daughter.

For more information about the scope of your question .. a companion for a dog is always a good thing, especially when bringing a baby home with you. Opposite him is not made much time and energy to your pet. You can go alone and have a dog, not with whom you deal with so much attention.

Kitty said...

do not get another dog, if you want. The dog is very well to the child, a sense of his duty to protect its clock, and to the child because it is part of the clan. If you have a dog, you might feel that you are trying to find something better. Just to show how much you like it, keep regular routines and do not forget to kiss your dog from time to time, you'll be glad you still care about him, as is the case before the addition of new home .

Phartzal... said...

Do you really want a new father and care for two dogs?

Don't Make Me Come In There! said...

In general, dogs and pets are rarely a danger to the newborn in the house ... In fact, my dog is always protected with love for my children when they are born, too.

If you want another dog as a companion for your dog today, I will, as compared to younger adults. Your dog is the alpha and can not accommodate another adult.

loveRED said...

My parents had a very creative solution to this problem. Your Vizsla two years ago when I was born. They have brought a baby blanket to the hospital, I slept with her for a few days where it felt to me, and took him home and gave the dog. They used to call "the disparate nature of the child and put her in my bed. Then, when our dog, they wanted me, just ask your dog to "Go see the baby!" What could be with another dog, it is more difficult because then the new dog may suffer from the dog-syndrome (ie I'm not kidding, one of my dogs suffers!) If the baby is born. Ultimately, it depends on you, but you do not already have another dog, and probably easier on your Vizsla. In addition, two dogs (I have three), their dogs personally less affectionate with you, I do not know. Good luck!

Beatlegi... said...

When we brought our newborn son to the hospital, which has set up 3 years ago to extract our laboratory. She (the dog) was very curious, tail wagging, sniffing and licking. When our son was doing it the condition of the dog and protective behavior.

Of course, not all dogs are alike, but I assume that you are a good fit.

figuresk... said...

I think it will help for the dog when she plays someone with this concern for the child.

Rena M said...

To pawpersuasion.com and articles on children, babies and dogs that have what you need to read

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